Today my boss came in to talk with the entire crew... she heard some "shop talk" and was disturbed by it. *It concerned - and affected, apparently - members of the department* She went around circle asking each and every one of us if we had heard it and if so why hadn't we told her anything.
"Yes, I heard that... but it's just small talk... why come back to you with every tiny thing we hear? People say lots of things"
That was the usual response each of the guys gave her.
Sure... but she was trying to instill the two s-words into our group - sensitivity and sensibility.
We all noticed a fellow member of the Proc. Eng. team isolating himself and being all down and stuff... but I for one didn't know a thing.
Sue - you heard anything of the sort?
Er... no. Don't think things like that would come back to me.
True... guess you're not part of the shop.
The rumour did come back and hit a member of the department - the same guy. Being the boss, she, too, wouldn't hear this shop talk - unless one of us tells her. But those who knew, didn't. And this rumour wallowed and swam and fished about this guy's head and got to him. For weeks.
Talk, people... talk!
It's too late to stop the effect, but we can still get the truth out there and clear some air - though the rumour - by this time - is so widespread already, it could act as the truth in the absence of it.
Even him (just happens to be nose-digger)... why didn't he go with his problem to her himself?
Gosh... imagine it got bent and twisted out of all proportions before it got back to him - with the issue already there from the start.
Me? Pressure for my boss, cuz I tell her EVERY-FLIPPIN'-THING that affects me now. If my toenail hurting:
Liz... I have an issue I'd like to discuss with you.
*Issue of toenail discussed*
Bam - finished. Cleared the air... got it off my chest (or toe).
Random - I should look up to see if there is anything new on TOEs (Theory of Everything - TOE).
Yadda yadda...
We ran Scotiabank's 5k Women Against Breast Cancer on Saturday... me zizters joined in avec moi et me company.
Me - being zo zmart - didn't eat well and went out in the hot sun to run. Let's just say that my time was 36 mins... yep - a second behind Granny Lucess. We talked even:
Oh dear - the sun hot eh.
Yeah boy... you have water?
Na *Granny shrugs off Zue and continues steadily*
Granny... next event.... it's ON!
Other than that...
Work lame... I lame... you lame. Lame.
*ZuperZue is back into OCD land... Heyyy Miss Murder can I...?*
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