Straight beginings, bitchy and unstable endings
I resigned today - March 22nd, 2007.
I straightened my hair last week Saturday - March 17th, 2007.
I got a new super cup last week sometime that is perfect for me - March 17- 18th (can't remember), 2007.
Such mixed feelings... thing is, I've been complaining ever so much for so long about the treatments et al in this position and the stagnation... and even though I'm more than happy to leave, telling my coworkers that I'm leaving in less than a month felt super weird. I cried in the car coming down here this morning - just thinking that things could've been so much better. It's one of the best industries in the country, it's a leading company, I got so many free tickets to places (hehe), small enough to make a mark yet large enough to enjoy, well.... the perks of a large company... but... wobba wobba.
Resigning is so weird... I feel like I did on the last day of school. I have things to finish... but it almost doesn't immediately matter that much anymore. Whew.
Now, I am not certain the next position is "IT" - and I'm not even hoping it to be - but I am welcoming the change. We'll see how that goes.
Suppose I bounce my head? Make a mistake? Suppose sticking to PCS was the better decision? Oof...
I love it all.
An that's that.
I got straaaaaight hair now... and love it too much... paid a pound and a crown and darn "Hair by Vishnu" but mah mah mah... maybe it's the change (me loves change), or maybe it's just how gorgeous it is ... hehe.
I spotted (and got) the best cup... ever. Firstly, we all know how super-dee-duper lilac is as a colour - like, superior and stuff... well, yes, it's lilac/purple. Numero uno. Dos! It has MY LOGO on it... I swear, I've never said it better myself:
"Being Bitchy and Unstable Is Part of My Mystique"
Hehe... so super.