The Adventures of ZuperZue

ZuperZue studied for 3 years in Germany, and now is back in the tropics - Trinidad and Tobago to be exact... she thought she could be ready to take over the world, but the process is a slow, full-of-doubt one... can she fulfill (FIND!!) her destiny??? We keep track on the Adventures of ZuperZue!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Recognise this!

Alrighty then! So!

The morning started off with a groggy and involuntary push off the bed simultaneously glubbing down a Bull Power energy drink to get the the gym before 4:30am...

Drive drive drive - got great news that my degree has been "recognised" by the ACTT, so collection done before 8:30 this morning, and dropped off to the Institution by 9:30am. No more stickin!!!

Why is everyone is TT angry?

Everyone seems to have a chip on their shoulder that they want to share with anyone who crosses a path closeby to them... I swear, TT has the worstest customer service ever... anytime I get a "have a good day" or a "thanks"... in fact, anything other than a "grrr" or a "hmph!" or an eyeball roll... anything that doesn't end up in a quarrel, a public oral fight - I'm just happy for it... imagine that...

But the scarier part is... does it rub off?

I've been complaining so much recently... I'm constantly criticising, arguing / debating... ARGH!!!

What brought this topic up?

Well - I have to call this Institution every day to find out when we'd be getting calls for semester beginning at end of August... yes... we ARE in the middle of July...

"Ma'am... we need you to request a transcript, and then get it recognised"

Done... and delivered...

"Well, yuh might get call within the next two weeks"

How the heck yuh mean? Yuh gonna call meh for muh first class????????? *seeeeee??? Told you I'm just as angry...*

That is a good one... that meaning, it's not bad. She was neutral, but extending her services NO WHERE beyond the necessary... I can live with that...

Let's not talk about that time at HiLo... the cashier carried on conversations, while counting money, as a line of 10 people waited to be attended to... no look up, no word as to how long again we should wait... nothing. Now, after this, she charges me extra on a discounted item. I told her. She didn't care - cuz "de price is de price on de screen" - right? WRONG! I flew off to get the sticker showing the discount and the new price. She yells back after I return:

"Well go an see de Supervisor nah... oh gosh man"

And begins a conversation with a nearby cashier on how people feel they are superwomen, and her job is to cash and that's about it...


What ever happened to courtesy?

Mind you... this is one of the keyest reasons for me leaving MTL... you wouldn't believe this place...

*Oh my... Zue got too many anger issues...

*sigh*... I know .... *

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Wa wa wee wa

It's been how long??? WHA?

Ok, let's see JUST how long...

  • Fell in love again
  • Yes, I did go into another job
  • Worked in Business Processes at the company
  • Travelled to Nicaragua
  • Worked in Operations
  • Presented with the opportunity to be a MISE
  • Travelled to Panama
  • Travelled to Copenhagen
  • Cut my hair
  • Went on to Finance Controller of same company
  • Had my Czechy lover visit me
  • Had MAJOR issues with the local organisation
  • Moved into my own apartment
  • Thought I was dealing with it
  • Bought a new (sexilious) car
  • Travelled to Copenhagen
  • Turned 24
  • Not been able to finish a single book since
  • Lost a University-mate *sigh*
  • Lost 10 pounds
  • Formed a DB team with my big bro, Mr. Right, and S
  • Got and turned down a job offer I swore I wanted
  • Applied to an Petroleum Engineering degree
  • Went to get a certificate of recognition for my German degree
  • Resigned from Hell (date: Friday, June 27, 2008)
  • Sat and decided to update blog while I await confirmation on acceptance (ye or ne?!) and while I cound down the next 7 days...

*holy crappo... it has been TOO long!*

Yes... I should've known something was wrong... my job didn't give me time to update my blog!! I resigned - worked - then resigned again!

But Amen to my Father Saviour... for the courage, opportunity and just plain balls to resign and be happy again.

Now, don't get me wrong... M is a super duper company that I intend on applying to with my more qualified ras, however MTL... is simply... well, it's over. *Amen sista!*

I've simply let a year+ go by filled of windpies and nothing chops... Yes - a year gone by, and I feel like I've wasted every single bit of it. I feel like I've lost myself: my drive, my passion, my connections... I lost me.

Let's hope that in updating this blog, I'd find that cutie back...

*Zue's bringing something back...*